Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hotshot Martina recommends "dropshots"

lol everyone knows how cheeky and clever Martina's dropshots are!

Infact it leaves most of her opponents wrong footed and stunned... (how i love to see that.)

so this little piece will be of special interest ( which i found while exploring

The drop shot: For players who like to stay deep behind the baseline, Martina Hingis has been making people pay with drop shots. It's something that's rarely seen in the women's game.

"In general, when you look at girls in the academies, they are just not taught that way," Hingis said. "I think it's just because they're always so one-sided, playing with their coach or playing with their hitting partner. And you know, just boom, boom, boom all the time. I think it's also the problem of the coaches or parents, because they don't teach them different. I don't think it's (because of) the girls, because I think if you show them how to do it, how it's done, I think a lot of them, they would use more skill."

Tennis commentator Bud Collins said he agreed with Hingis, adding, "Most of the coaches should be shot … with rubber bullets."

"You said that," Hingis said laughing.

the whole article is from the Pacific Life Open and can be found here:

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